Monday, January 20, 2014

A Good Day For A Walk

As we have had somewhat bearable temperatures in Peoria the last few days, I thought I would take a walk.  I figured during half time of the Broncos-Patriots game would be just as good of time as any.  So, I headed over to Le Grande Dame of Peoria's Public Parks...Glen Oak.

I love wandering around here.  The lagoon, the views, the history if you take the unbeaten path.  I would have loved to see this place in its prime which would probably would have been in the 1920-50s.  Since places like this were the entertainment of the day instead of Peyton, X-Box and Facebook, the adventurous would find much stuff to do.

Walked around the lagoon except for the part that is fenced off.  I hope when this new section is done, one can walk completely around it.  Thought I would stop for some winter sun-tanning.

Dang my face looks fat.  No, I didn't put the weight I took off, back on.  I guess I'm a bad selfiephotographer.  Anyway, behind me is the new section around the lagoon that is being built.  It is home to the 1890s Spanish-American War cannon that has sat there for decades.  A view of the lagoon from the parapet behind me:

I wandered around for awhile and was amazed how many like minded people were out taking a stroll on a pleasant (for the middle of winter) day.  Then I decided to wander over to the old bridge.  I don't remember the specifics, but this bridge is rare for some reason.  Either its design, its architect, its significance, how few are left, something, but it is in sad shape.  It had been restored at one time, but supposedly incorrectly.  You can't cross it now.  And if you could, it no longer really goes anywhere as the new zoo almost blocks its exit on one end.

Well, from this view one could take a sharp left, follow the zoo fence and end up on the service road that goes under said bridge.  However, if you took the service road away from the park and went towards the woods and down the hill, you would almost come to the stone bridge that is in the picture at the top of this blog.  Loooong forgotten as is that part of the park which has some cool things.  OK, cool in my book.

So, I headed home after about 45 minutes.  The Broncos held the ball most of the third quarter while I'm sure Peyton Manning changed the play after they got up to the line, so I didn't miss much, but got a nice healthy dose of fresh air.

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